10 Hidden Eagles Illusion

For my last day in Big Apple I chose something related. We all know how the Bald Eagle is a traditional USA’s national emblem. You may spot him playing a major role inside each of the United States agency logos. Steven Michael Gardner is an artist whose creations played a big role in Mighty 

Optical Illusions history as well. I didn’t have enough time to tag all of his illusions on this site under one unifying tag, but you may find him easily by searching this site via integrated search box on top of our sidebar. 

This time Steven hid 10 Bald eagles inside this picture below. Some are obvious, while some are so well hidden you’ll have a hard time spotting them all. Enjoy your search!
There are 10 of them, can you spot all of them?
There are 10 of them, can you spot all of them?


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